Myrczek & Schmidt Quintet feat. Krzysztof Herdzin

Młynarski. Bynajmniej.

Concert lineup:

Wojciech Myrczek – vocals
Piotr Schmidt – trumpet
Krzysztof Herdzin – piano
Andrzej Święs – double bass
Sebastian Frankiewicz – drums

Fresh arrangements and masters of sound and mood in the line-up, paired with Wojciech Młynarski’s lyrics, promise poetic pleasure and sublime stimulation, guaranteed to stay with you for a long time!

The artistic program refers to the album, the publishing premiere of which (SJRecords) took place on December 4, 2024. The leaders: Piotr Schmidt, Wojciech Myrczek and Krzysztof Herdzin are well-known and popular artists who do not need to be introduced. They are complete, outstanding musicians with incredible artistic achievements. The implementation of such an undertaking by them is a guarantee of success and incredible experiences.


1. Bynajmniej
2. Jeżeli Przyznać Się Odważysz
3. Księżyc Nad Kościeliskiem
4. Lubię Wrony
5. Moje Ulubione Drzewo
6. Podchodzą Mnie Wolne Numery
7. Polska Miłość
8. Przedostatni Walc
9. Taka Piosenka, Taka Ballada